Sunday, January 3, 2010

My High Priestess

Happy New Year everyone - or no one.. this blogging thing seems so quiet. Like, you go on Facebook, and its like being in a room full of people reading and typing at the same time, and even though you dont see them, you still feel like you are one in a crowded room. Here in the blogoshere its the opposite, its quiet and introspective, and sometimes the sound of hitting the keys echoes.,..

Its been two weeks since my last blog. Very interesting things as far as the readings have come to pass. It seems while my daughter was gone, her loser ex-boyfriend once again resurfaced and we came to find out he was planning a trip to see her while in Las Vegas. Upon finding this out, I absolutely could see the secret that had all along been in front of me that I was choosing not to see or deal with.. and to say that it turned my inner Queen of Cups upside down would be to put it mildly. Good thing was, i was prepared.. that is to say, i was not surprised to be feeling the way I did, and once again gave the universe a nod for warning me.. i love the synchronicities of the universe and Tarot.

So the week after, last week, the reading was:
1. What you have: The Wheel of Fortune.
2. What you need to know: Page of Wands Reversed.
3. What you get: The High Priestess

So I get that this is a process that is ongoing. The secret to the Wheel is scale.. and I can make this experience between my daughter and this loser big or small.. depending on how I wish to look at it. Its big for me in that I hate this kid and he is a major ongoing problem. But in the scheme of things, in the scheme of life, they are teenagers, and this too shall pass (pleeeeassse), then it would be small.. It has its peaks and valleys..

I think what i need to know regarding the page has many layers - the page could be me. I think the page could offer a great deal of insight into my daughter and how she is or is not choosing to handle this situation, and also the same, agian for myself and how I am choosign to handle or not this situation. It helped to have this reading ahead of time, in that after I got this reading, i of course was bracing myself for the disaster that I felt was to come with the upside down page of wands.. and it did indeed come when I discovered that my daughter lied about not being a part of this jerk's plan to meet her in Las Vegas, she absolutely had a part in it.. and i discovered it.. well i dont want to say here, as should she read my blog my secret will be out.. =)

However, the outcome of the High Priestess.. well, i did share that one of the ways I found out was through my inner intuition. The experience itself played out a lot in my dreams and my subconscious that way for about a good week, working out my own inner child issues with this. Hopefully this will lead to a higher knowing and growth for me.. and im sure since it is a major arcana card more will be to come..

Its noisy and busy here today, so I will draw my cards for the week tomorrow while meditating, but i did want to journal out these 2 readings.

I do wish any and all who are reading this a very happy and healthy new year..