Sunday, June 13, 2010

Journey Significance

So on leaving, I am in the car and Eric asks.. how did it go? I wasnt sure. As the night progressed, I realized that this journeying is a lot like when I delve into Tarot with Ruth Ann and Wald - its one of those things where you have your initial impression, but its something that needs to just sit and.. cook. And that is what it has been doing for me, just sitting, and I am watching as different things open up, which will probably take at least all week, if not longer, but initially things were working:

So I get home.. I was really really hungry, so the first thing I did was inhale a protein shake. Im proud of myself, i needed to pick up some fruit for my shake and walked by the very yummy looking macaroni and cheese, and while I was tempted, i felt spirit pushing me along, because what my body really needed was not comfort food but some Yay me! =)

So I get home, and im starting to feel tired.. I drink my shake, take care of the kittens, give them their meds, lost my patience with one of them, not a good thing.. cuddled up to Spiderman for a little kitty love (littlest kitty who can climb like spiderman), always a warm fuzzy.

Then I head into my room, and I see that Gremlin is in rejuvenate Maris mode.. Gremlin in a fantastic barometer for me. He is my magical empathic creature that I am convinced was sent here to me by the Gods.. I picture it like a scene out of Clash of the Titans (the original one) where the gods would send tools to the titans. While Im pretty sure Zeus and company are not up there watching over me, someone sent this very amazing dog to me 5 years ago and I am always astounded by his gifts. One of them is he is extremely empathic, and when i am running on emotional empty, he seems to think it is his purpose to fix me. I didnt think I was on emotional empty, just that i had gotten up at 7, did a lot of psychic work and had not eaten.. but there must have been more to it, because Gremlin was in full-on heal me mode.

After 10 minutes of Gremlin therapy, Im still crazy tired. And I had a caribbean party to go to that i did not want to miss. Soooo.. I make a cup of coffee and headed into the Tarot room, lit some sage incense, did a banishing pentagram ritual, did some middle pillar chants, and put my deck in order - I am feeling rejuvenated. I then ask the Tarot - what was the significance of going and doing shamanic journeying today?

Card 1 - what I have: King of Swords. He has been following me around since the Readers Studio. One of the things we I spoke about on first starting journeying was how I tend to be in my head a lot. I would say this validated my place and reason why I sought this out.. because i know I am master of my mind and bringing my thoughts into being and action, I do know and realize I can do anything I put my mind to, and I am ready to take responsibility for those things. I have this side of myself mastered as much as one can realize they are masterful of those things. Its also the reason why I seek out other intuitive modalities to expand other parts of myself.

Card 2 - What I need to Know: High Priestess reversed. No duh! LOL. This card in addition to my outcome really resonated with me. I need to work on my intution and listening to myself and honoring what I already know I need. I think one of the purposes of seeking out this type of work is to help straighten her out, making her upright by working on journeying and using that as a tool to do so. The high priestess guards the portal through the veil, which is exactly what we did today in journeying, going through the misty veil - which was a very kewl thing to do, btw. I saw the correspondence between going through the veil today in journeying and then the high priestess showing up in my reading. She guards the portal through the veil, and working with her will help me get through the veil to where i want to go, maybe helping me with some of the challenges I had today...

Card 3 - What I get: Ace of Pentacles reversed. I think this had a lot of meanings for me.. Mary Greer in her Tarot Reversals mentions that the pentacle in the hand looks much like a wheel of fortune and the reversal could refer to being stuck in a rut. While I dont think I am in a rut, per se, I do think I have not been working much with my high priestess or continuing other tarot work I had been doing, and so maybe the reversal of my high priestess and not working with her and working on me that way is blocking my ability to manifest those things I wish to.. and I would describe many things going on in my life that way. I feel like the message is that to keep her unbalanced is to block myself and put myself into a psychic rut... and to work on placing my high priestess right-side up will also get the ace and the suite of manifestation working better and more easily for me... offering the entire suit of manifestation.

So where I was not sure when I first left of the significance of our work today, this is starting to materialize to me at this point now, about 4 hours later... and I am sure the insights will continue on through the night and weekend.

Usually after working psychically the way I did this morning, I am exhausted, and did get so this evening, but after saging and casting my circle i was feeling much better. I went to the party and had a great time, though I was ready to head home by 11, but I lasted a lot longer than I thought I would have, i was predicting 9 pm, working on stretching that to 10, and really I went through to 11. However, once I got home, I could not see straight. I was like the walking unconscious, only I did not resist it this time, and I headed to sleep. I thought maybe I would dream of my journeys, I did not.. which is okay.

I thought Kelley was great and I loved the people I worked with yesterday. I dont want to put their names here, but they were so kewl - very open and giving. My partner was fantastic, I was really lucky. Sometimes when I go to these types of things, the people there are working on their stuff and can be really depressed or sad, which makes these things harder to do for me. Everyone we worked with today was able to really be open and sharing and giving, which was fantastic and made it easy for me to do so too. I love when things come together that way.

Im feeling pretty rejuvenated this morning. I really think that one of the things I took from this was that I need to do more reading. I havent really done much reading since the Readers Studio - which is not unusual for me, since the Studio tends to be so intense and I get so saturated in tarot that when I get home the last thing I want to do is pick up my deck for a bit. There have been a few times over the last 2 weeks that I have thought about meditating and working with my deck and met with a bit of resistance - its been a tough few weeks though too for me - but yesterday afternoon, I had this inner knowing that what I needed to do was sit and clear myself out, and put the world in order, and Tarot does that for me, and I think I had forgotten that - and sitting in my room doing this felt like coming home and sitting with my best friend and having one of those great cleansing talks.

So.. thank you my guides and angels and the Universe for always being there for me and reminding me that you always are, even when I do not feel like chatting, and especially for when I do.