Thursday, March 20, 2008

A New and Better Week

OMG - so its almost the end of the week and Im just getting around to writing on my beginning of the week's reading - its been busy around here!!
Reading for the week:
1. What I have: King of Wands
2. What I need to know: Ace of Pentacles
3. What I get: 6 and 7 of Swords
Ok - so its Thursday, and I still have no clue what the deal is with the King of Wands. I dont feel like the King of Wands, Eric does not appear to me to be the King of Wands, though I could be wrong. There have definitely been some things over the last weekend and early in the week that might lend to that.. just not sure. I was reading Kabbalistic Tarot, and I think maybe I got a slight hint.. Dovid Krafchow, the author, speaks of air feeding fire, and the fire of the wand being that of will. The outcome of spiritual will is illumination. He mentions blind will and that this can be both miraculous or destructive.
I have definitely been working with my will over the past 2 weeks, and a miracle or two, or even just 1 would be a nice outcome in that regard. So if this card refers to that and is validating this for me, Ill take it (not that I have the choice not
What I need to know.. I smiled when i saw the Ace of Pentacles. It is a most welcome energy as compared to last week's. It said to me that all the things last week that went nowhere, which was just about everything, would work out much better this week, and so far they have. I got to the Social Security office and had my number updated with my married name. I then got to renew my driver's license here without issue. Those 2 things alone were quite substantial in regard to things I have been working on. I have been hearing from some people in our tarot group expressing more interest, that was nice. I admit I have been a bit stubborn on that front, still kind of ticked off about it,but it was nice to be able to talk about it with some friends, I felt supported which was something I needed. So work is getting done and being accomplished.
Outcome - I pulled 1 card but 2 came out, so I took them both. I felt from the 6 of swords that I would be moving away from my thoughts that were really getting me down if I chose. Distancing myself from the issues so I could work with the thoughts in my head, talking to others to help me gain some objectivity. Facing the idea of possibly walking away for a while from my tarot meetup would be disappointing but might be necessary in order to have a better attitude, seek my pleasures that way elsewhere instead of there..
When I first pulled the 7 I was unsure.. but by Monday morning I knew what it was getting at. One of the issues about the social security card was that even if I got the application in, I would not get my new card until after my license expired unless they did not take my original. So addressing that required a bit of deception on my part.. and while I was not sure if I should do that, after remembering that card, I went for it and just told them I had lost my original card as opposed to handing it over. It worked out great, they gave me the forms, i had the original, and 2 days later I was at the DMV, problem solved.
Ok - off to work!!